So Denver's very own ComicFest is this very weekend and I will be exhibiting at the Sherman Graphics table with my boy Gerhard Kaaihue!
I'll be selling prints, and doing live art. So if you've ever wanted to get yourself immortalized as a Zombie well here's your chance to do it in person! This is my first go around at Comicfest here in Denver and I'm pretty stoked! I'd love it if you stopped by and said hi!
I have two exclusive prints that I will be selling at the Con this weekend as well. Here's a look at the two of them!

I was maaaaybe watching a little too much Madmen with that first piece. It's kind of an important one though because it's starting my revival of my proposed coffee table book of Alien satire. BAM!

And this one is my Steampunk Monochromatic Pinup Girl. I think she looks pretty fresh!
So each print will be 20 bucks at the show, but if you would like one now feel free to email me at spicypeanut[at]gmail[dot]com and I will gladly put aside one for you!
Hope to see some of you there and I'll be live blogging and tweeting from the Con! Just in case you forgot or dunno yet:
God Bless!
The freshness is indeed imminent in that Steampunk pinup! Awesome \o/